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Elvenar Global League

  • Zakladateľ témy Deleted User - 126922
  • Vytvorené

Deleted User - 126922

Welcome to the Elvenar Global League!

This is an unofficial Fellowship ranking that shows the best Tournament performances from all servers. The rules are simple. There is a total of 16.900 League Points. These will be distributed among the 50 highest scoring Fellowships in each Tournament of the Cycle. The amount of League Points a Fellowship wins depends on its position in the Top 50 ladder. The Fellowship that accumulates the most League Points during the 9 Tournaments of the Cycle wins.

here to see the results of the 1st Cycle of Tournaments.

If the sheet does not load properly or is too slow, here is a
lighter version.

Deleted User - 126922

Oceľ 12/19/2020

*V najbližších týždňoch nebudem robiť rebríček Elvenar Global League z dôvodu príchodu prázdnin a množstva času, ktorý mi trvá, kým to urobím ručne. Budúci mesiac obnovím hodnotenie vrátane týždňov, ktoré som neprítomný.
Veselé Vianoce a šťastný nový rok pre všetkých!